Download Eurodollar Futures End of Day Files From Quandl
## Quandl
quandl_password <- read.csv("C:/Users/Analytics/Desktop/Work/Credentials/quandl_credentials.csv")
## Create contract names
allContracts <- vector()
for(i in 1982:2024) {
conH <- paste("EDH",i,sep = "")
conM <- paste("EDM",i,sep = "")
conU <- paste("EDU",i,sep = "")
conZ <- paste("EDZ", i, sep = "")
allContracts <- c(allContracts, conH, conM, conU, conZ)
allContracts <- paste("CME", allContracts, sep = "/")
## Download Contract Historical End of Day Data
setwd("C:/Users/Analytics/Desktop/Work/Eurodollar Futures/contractMonths")
for (con in allContracts) {
data <- Quandl(con)
names(data) <- c("Date", "Open", "High", "Low", "Last", "Change", "Settle", "Volume", "OpenInterest")
data$Contract <- paste(substring(con,8,11), substring(con,5,7), sep = "")
write.csv(data, file = paste(substring(con,5,11),"csv",sep = "."), row.names = F)
Add Each Contract File into Data Base
for(l in 1:(length(list.files())-2)) {
tableName <- "GE"
dbWriteTable(conn = db, name = tableName, value = list.files()[l], row.names = F,
header = T, append = T)
Examine Database
## [1] "GE"
## [1] "Date" "Open" "High" "Low"
## [5] "Last" "Change" "Settle" "Volume"
## [9] "OpenInterest" "Contract"
head(dbReadTable(db, "GE"))
## Date Open High Low Last Change Settle Volume OpenInterest
## 1 1982-03-15 84.96 85.00 84.88 NA NA 84.88 17 83
## 2 1982-03-12 84.84 85.05 84.84 NA NA 84.88 168 167
## 3 1982-03-11 85.18 85.19 84.99 NA NA 84.99 57 203
## 4 1982-03-10 85.38 85.41 85.25 NA NA 85.28 51 207
## 5 1982-03-09 85.50 85.58 85.35 NA NA 85.40 89 223
## 6 1982-03-08 85.86 85.96 85.63 NA NA 85.63 162 272
## Contract
## 1 "1982EDH"\r
## 2 "1982EDH"\r
## 3 "1982EDH"\r
## 4 "1982EDH"\r
## 5 "1982EDH"\r
## 6 "1982EDH"\r
dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM GE WHERE Date = '2015-12-01' ORDER BY Contract LIMIT 6")
## Date Open High Low Last Change Settle Volume
## 1 2015-12-01 99.530 99.540 99.5225 99.535 0.0025 99.5325 164302
## 2 2015-12-01 99.365 99.385 99.3500 99.375 0.01 99.3750 194853
## 3 2015-12-01 99.205 99.235 99.1950 99.225 0.015 99.2250 190837
## 4 2015-12-01 99.040 99.075 99.0250 99.07 0.02 99.0650 176560
## 5 2015-12-01 98.880 98.925 98.8600 98.91 0.025 98.9100 281592
## 6 2015-12-01 98.745 98.800 98.7250 98.78 0.035 98.7800 167262
## OpenInterest Contract
## 1 1168524 "2015EDZ"\r
## 2 1345733 "2016EDH"\r
## 3 1185995 "2016EDM"\r
## 4 1040617 "2016EDU"\r
## 5 1338895 "2016EDZ"\r
## 6 774610 "2017EDH"\r